Netflix is first-ever releasing its global business operating outcomes on a regional basis. The on-demand video streaming services provider submitted a filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), in which it mentioned its streaming revenue and subscription-related info for the US and Canada; the Asia Pacific and Latin America; as well as Europe, Middle East, and Africa. The way Netflix presented its earnings data highlights demonstrates that the markets apart from the US have also become crucial for the business.

According to the report published by a Hollywood entertainment portal, Deadline, over 50% of the 158-million worldwide Netflix subscribers and around 90% of the business growth are coming from outside the US. Since Q1 2017, Netflix subscribers’ count in the European region surged by 140%. In the meantime, Netflix subscribers in the Asia-Pacific region increased to more than three times. While subscribers count in Latin America has reached 29.4 Million from 15.4 Million in Q1 2017.

The US and Canada are still dominating in terms of subscribers count, holding 67.1 million. Both the regions have generated $7.4 Billion of revenue in the year’s first three quarters.

Likewise, another US-based video-on-demand streaming service provider, Disney Plus, snagged nearly 24-million US subscribers by the end of November 2019. Based on the new Wall Street analysis report, the subscription cancellation rate has been boosted among Netflix subscribers after Disney Plus conducted a debut for the Mouse House’s new streaming package.

A research team at Cowen & Co. conducted a census-weighed survey on 2,500 customers and found that 21% of the total respondents opted for Disney Plus last month, indicating the 24-million potential subscribers’ base exiting the month. However, previous Wall Street estimates for Disney Plus had stated that by the end of 2020, the business would be holding less than 20-million global subscribers.